This blog is used for the purpose of introducing the research ideas ,projects and important topic which come in day to day life journey

Friday, 28 March 2014

Poster presentation  made by Joicy Thankachan

Medicinal Properties of Garlic
·         Helps treat atherosclerosis.
·         Helps lower cholesterol.
·         Has ability to lower blood pressure.
·         Helps to treat gout
·         Treating & preventing the flu & upper respiratory tract infections.
·         Prevents the growth & spread of bacteria.
·         Helps treat tuberculosis.
·         Treating purulent wounds.
·         Helps treat trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted infection.)
·         Boosts your metabolism.
·         Prevents the spread of colon cancer, gall bladder cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer & prostate cancer.
·         Helps aid digestion.
·         Dissolves blood clots.
·         Increases appetite.
·         Kills intestinal worms & parasite
·         Helps treat cataracts.
·         Helps treat arthritis.
·         Helps treat diabetes.
·         Helps treat staph infection.
·         Helps get rid of a tooth ache.
·         Treats acne.
·         Kills warts.
·         Helps treat tetter.
·         Helps in the treatment of boils on the skin.
·         Has a soothing effect on the intestines.
·         Garlic phytoncides are used to treat asthma, chronic bronchitis & whooping cough.
·         Helps cure insomnia.
·         Slows the process of aging.
·         Inhibits the growth of Candida albicans.
·         Strengthens the body’s immune system.

·         Treats a yeast infection.

Collected by Joicy Thankachan

1.      The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moment of comfort
And convenience,but where he stands at times of chalenge and controversy.
-Martin Luther King,Jr.

2.      Whenever you fall, pick up something.
-Oswald Avery.

3.      I have found the paradox that if i love untill it hurts, then there is no more hurt,
But only more love.
-Mother Teresa.

4.      Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character Is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
-John Wooden.

5.      Most of the significant things done in the world were done by persons who were either too busy  or too sick, there are few ideal and leisurely settings for the dicipline of growth.
-Robert Thornton Henderson

6.      The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he  becomes by it.
-John Ruskin

7.      While no man has succeeded without some sparks of divine fire, many have succeeded Better by taking precious good care of a precious small spark than others, who have been careless with a generous flame.

-Henry Holt